Conference Program

Seagriculture Asia-Pacific

18 - 20 March 2025

Adelaide, Australia

Conference Program

Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025: Future proofing the seaweed industry


The theme of Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025, Future proofing the seaweed industry, encapsulates the moment the industry finds itself in: at the cusp of turning significant scientific potential into enduring, scalable success, including for agriculture and for the environment. This speaks to the industry's need to innovate and adapt to an evolving landscape, where sustainability, technology and growing demand intersect.

It calls on stakeholders across the Asia-Pacific region, and the world more broadly, to share knowledge and harness collective expertise to build a resilient, future-ready seaweed industry that can deliver for both regional economies and regional communities, including first nations communities. By addressing pressing challenges and capitalising on emerging opportunities, this theme fosters a collaborative approach to ensuring the industry thrives well into the future.

Program is tentative and subject to changes.

Site visit: Tuesday 18 March 2025

Join us for a tour of some of the most exciting exclusive experiences Adelaide and South Australia have to offer.

As part of the site visit, you will get the chance to:

  • Hear from some of the South Australian Research & Development Institute’s top seaweed scientists and see their work up close
  • Speak to a Ngarrindjeri Elder about how sustainable, traditional fishing practices support a balanced ecosystem, and see a demonstration from local community business, Kuti Co
  • Sample some of South Australia’s finest and freshest seafood at the Kuti Shack, a stunning restaurant nestled in the sandhills at Goolwa Beach
  • Meet and network with many of your fellow Seagriculture attendees ahead of the official conference

Moderator of the conference

Catriona Macleod, Professor in Environmental Interactions and Sustainable Ecosystem Management, University of Tasmania; Program Leader (Sustainable Marine Resources), Marine Bioproducts CRC; Board Member Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance (ASSA), Australia

Catriona Macleod, Professor in Environmental Interactions and Sustainable Ecosystem Management, University of Tasmania; Program Leader (Sustainable Marine Resources), Marine Bioproducts CRC; Board Member Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance (ASSA), Australia

Conference Day 1: Wednesday 19 March 2025

8:00 - 9:00 Welcome Coffee

9:00 - 9:20 Opening of the Conference

Jo Kelly, Founder & CEO, Australian Seaweed Institute & Chair, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance, Australia

Welcome to Country

Jo Kelly, Founder & CEO, Australian Seaweed Institute & Chair, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance, Australia

Welcome to Country

9:20 - 9:40: Headliner of the conference

Prof Tim Flannery, Australian climate change leader

9:20 - 9:40: Headliner of the conference

Prof Tim Flannery, Australian climate change leader

9:40 - 10:00: Keynote Presentation

Enteric Methane: The opportunity to make an impact on global warming starting today

Steve Meller, CEO, CH4Global, USA

9:40 - 10:00: Keynote Presentation

Enteric Methane: The opportunity to make an impact on global warming starting today

Steve Meller, CEO, CH4Global, USA

10:00 - 10:50 Session 1: Seaweeds for climate change mitigation and adaptation
As seaweeds can absorb significant amounts of CO2, they have attracted global attention given their potential for climate change mitigation. But can seaweeds' contribution to climate change mitigation be enhanced at globally meaningful scales? And if so, how to execute this in practice?


Prof Tim Flannery, Australian climate change leader


Prof Catriona L. Hurd, Professor of Seaweed, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia


Jo Kelly, Founder & CEO, Australian Seaweed Institute & Chair, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance, Australia


Steve Meller, CEO, CH4Global, USA


Prof Emeritus Rocky de Nys, Chief Scientific Officer, Sea Forest, Australia


Prof Tim Flannery, Australian climate change leader


Prof Catriona L. Hurd, Professor of Seaweed, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia


Jo Kelly, Founder & CEO, Australian Seaweed Institute & Chair, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance, Australia


Steve Meller, CEO, CH4Global, USA


Prof Emeritus Rocky de Nys, Chief Scientific Officer, Sea Forest, Australia
10:50 - 11:20 Coffee Break / Trade Show
11:20 - 12:40 Session 2: Policy, Regulation, and Governance
In this session various non-technical aspects of seaweed cultivation will be discussed, including the process of acquiring cultivation licenses, and planning, management and funding of seaweed aquaculture.

11:20 - 11:40: Australian Government’s role in the seaweed industry

Lleidan Hunter, Senior Policy Offer, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF), Australia

11:20 - 11:40: Australian Government’s role in the seaweed industry

Dr. Naidu Bodapati, Assistant Director, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), Australia

11:40 - 12:00: To be announced

Dianne Maynard, Specialist Advisor (Emerging Marine Industries), Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Tasmania Australia

12:00 - 12:20: Restorative practices for environmental, social and economic gains

Heidi Alleway, Senior Aquaculture Scientist, The Nature Conservancy, Australia

12:20 - 12:40: Seaweed based Agri Regulatory Norms in India

Vipin Saini, CEO, Biological Agri Solutions Association of India (BASAI), India

11:20 - 11:40: Australian Government’s role in the seaweed industry

Lleidan Hunter, Senior Policy Offer, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF), Australia

11:20 - 11:40: Australian Government’s role in the seaweed industry

Dr. Naidu Bodapati, Assistant Director, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), Australia

11:40 - 12:00: To be announced

Dianne Maynard, Specialist Advisor (Emerging Marine Industries), Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Tasmania Australia

12:00 - 12:20: Restorative practices for environmental, social and economic gains

Heidi Alleway, Senior Aquaculture Scientist, The Nature Conservancy, Australia

12:20 - 12:40: Seaweed based Agri Regulatory Norms in India

Vipin Saini, CEO, Biological Agri Solutions Association of India (BASAI), India
12:40 - 14:10 Lunch / Trade Show

14:10 - 14:30: Keynote Presentation (Recorded): Phyconomy 101: The elegance and legacy of Kathleen Drew’s seminal work on Porphyra sensu lato the raw materials for nori (Japanese: 海苔, Chinese: 海苔; pinyin: hǎitāi, Korean: 김, kim or gim)

Dr Alan T. Critchley, Research Associate, Verschuren Centre, Canada

14:10 - 14:30: Keynote Presentation (Recorded): Phyconomy 101: The elegance and legacy of Kathleen Drew’s seminal work on Porphyra sensu lato the raw materials for nori (Japanese: 海苔, Chinese: 海苔; pinyin: hǎitāi, Korean: 김, kim or gim)

Dr Alan T. Critchley, Research Associate, Verschuren Centre, Canada

14:30 - 15:20 Session 3: Panel discussion on seaweed investments and business aspects in Asia-Pacific
During this session, seaweed business and investment experts will share their vision on the seaweed industry in the Asia Pacific region, on needs and expectations, and on what the next steps should be.


Nick Hill, Co-founder & CEO, Coast 4C, Australia


Ivan Ivanov, Global Lead for Sustainable Protein Advisory Services, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Vietnam


Arnav Mariwala, Founder & CEO, MariTide Aquatech LLP, India


Nick Hill, Co-founder & CEO, Coast 4C, Australia


Ivan Ivanov, Global Lead for Sustainable Protein Advisory Services, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Vietnam


Arnav Mariwala, Founder & CEO, MariTide Aquatech LLP, India
15:20 - 15:50 Coffee Break / Trade Show
15:50 - 17:10 Session 4: Seaweed farming 2.0
Seaweed farming 2.0 refers to applying smart farming techniques to reduce the costs of seaweed farming and to increase production yields. During this session experts will discuss different aspects of this topic.

15:50 - 16:10: Building the Tropical Seaweed Industry of the Future

Simon Davis, Founder, SEADLING, Malaysia

16:10 - 16:30: Cost Reductions in Offshore Seaweed: What Matters and What Doesn‘t

Nate Baker, Ocean Engineer, Kelson Marine, USA

16:30 - 16:50: Large scale farming of Tropical Eucheumatoid seaweeds

Nelson Vadassery, Cofounder & CEO, Sea6 Energy, India

16:50 - 17:10: Enabling a global sustainable seaweed industry

Kim Kristensen, Founder and CEO, Arctic Seaweed AS

15:50 - 16:10: Building the Tropical Seaweed Industry of the Future

Simon Davis, Founder, SEADLING, Malaysia

16:10 - 16:30: Cost Reductions in Offshore Seaweed: What Matters and What Doesn‘t

Nate Baker, Ocean Engineer, Kelson Marine, USA

16:30 - 16:50: Large scale farming of Tropical Eucheumatoid seaweeds

Nelson Vadassery, Cofounder & CEO, Sea6 Energy, India

16:50 - 17:10: Enabling a global sustainable seaweed industry

Kim Kristensen, Founder and CEO, Arctic Seaweed AS
17:10 - 17:50 Seaweed Elevator Pitches
The Seaweed Elevator Pitches offer a unique, fast-paced, and diverse session where presenters have five minutes to deliver a concise, impactful presentation on their activities and innovative ideas. All topics are possible as long as they deal with seaweeds.

CREST Project Indonesia: Improvement of Eucheumatoid Seed Production in Indonesia Through Gradual Selection and Good Aquaculture Practice

Dr. Maya Puspita, Principal Investigator, CREST Project – S. Alga Indonesia, Indonesia

Importance of exploring wild populations of Eucheumatoids for sustainable seaweed industry in Indonesia

Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Beyond the Shoreline: The Cultural Significance of Seaweed in Indigenous Australian Traditions

Sarah Gorst, Co-Founder, South Coast Seaweed, Australia

Fremantle Seaweed: The Blueprint for Offshore Culitvation of Asparagopsis 

Chris de Cuyper, Co-founder and CEO, Fremantle Seaweed Pty Ltd, Australia

Scaling seaweed production using Salmon farms in South East Tasmania?

Dr Shea Cameron, Asset and Planning Manager, Huon Aquaculture, Australia

CREST Project Indonesia: Improvement of Eucheumatoid Seed Production in Indonesia Through Gradual Selection and Good Aquaculture Practice

Dr. Maya Puspita, Principal Investigator, CREST Project – S. Alga Indonesia, Indonesia

Importance of exploring wild populations of Eucheumatoids for sustainable seaweed industry in Indonesia

Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Beyond the Shoreline: The Cultural Significance of Seaweed in Indigenous Australian Traditions

Sarah Gorst, Co-Founder, South Coast Seaweed, Australia

Fremantle Seaweed: The Blueprint for Offshore Culitvation of Asparagopsis 

Chris de Cuyper, Co-founder and CEO, Fremantle Seaweed Pty Ltd, Australia

Scaling seaweed production using Salmon farms in South East Tasmania?

Dr Shea Cameron, Asset and Planning Manager, Huon Aquaculture, Australia

17:50 - 18:00 Closing of Conference Day 1

Conference Dinner at the Rose Garden Pavilion

The perfect opportunity to network with the other conference delegates in an exclusive location while enjoying dinner together.

Welcome Remarks and Presenter of the inaugural Asia-Pacific Seaweed Industry Awards 2025

Lindsay Hermes, CEO, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance (ASSA), Australia

Welcome Remarks and Presenter of the Inaugural Asia-Pacific Seaweed Industry Awards 2025

Lindsay Hermes, CEO, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance (ASSA), Australia

During the conference dinner the following awards will be handed out:

  • ASSA Seaweed Lifetime Achievement Award
  • ASSA Seaweed Young Achiever of the Year
  • Asia-Pacific Seaweed Award
Conference Day 2: Thursday 20 March 2025
8:00 - 9:00 Welcome Coffee
9:00 - 9:10 Opening of Conference Day 2

9:10 - 9:20 Keynote Presentation: To be announced

Steven Hermans, Phyconomy

9:10 - 9:20 Keynote Presentation: To be announced

Steven Hermans, Phyconomy

9:30 - 10:30 Session 5: Value-added products and market opportunities
Everyone is aware of the use of seaweeds as hydrocolloids and in Asian cuisine. During this session we will hear about new, innovative applications for seaweeds in food and non-food applications.

9:30 - 9:50: The Economic and Social Value from Marine Bioproducts

Daniel Abrahams, CEO, Marine Bioproducts CRC, Australia

9:50 - 10:10: Seaweed Biopolymers - Value Adding with Circular Products

Fionnuala Quin, Founder & CEO, Kelpy, Australia

10:10 - 10:30: Seaweed solutions looking for problems

Johan Svenson, Science Impact Manager, Cawthron Institute, New Zealand

9:30 - 9:50: The Economic and Social Value from Marine Bioproducts

Daniel Abrahams, CEO, Marine Bioproducts CRC, Australia

9:50 - 10:10: Seaweed Biopolymers - Value Adding with Circular Products

Fionnuala Quin, Founder & CEO, Kelpy, Australia

10:10 - 10:30: Seaweed solutions looking for problems

Johan Svenson, Science Impact Manager, Cawthron Institute, New Zealand

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break / Trade Show
11:00 - 12:00 Session 6: Seeding & breeding of seaweeds
Presentations from experts in the field of seeding and breeding of seaweeds. How to further increase production yields? Novel developments in seeding techniques. And more.

11:00 - 11:20: Advancing Seaweed Cultivation in New Zealand: Greenwave Aotearoa's Journey and Vision for the Future

Ryan Marchington, Aquaculture Science and Operations Lead, Greenwave Aotearoa, New Zealand

11:20 - 11:40: To be announced

Phil Kerrison, Research specialist in red seaweed cultivation, Hortimare, The Netherlands

11:40 - 12:00: Kelp seedbanks: safeguarding genetic diversity and supporting aquaculture and restoration

Cayne Layton, Adjunct Rresearcher, Marine Ecologist, University of Tasmania, Blue Conservation Services, Australia

11:00 - 11:20: Advancing Seaweed Cultivation in New Zealand: Greenwave Aotearoa's Journey and Vision for the Future

Ryan Marchington, Aquaculture Science and Operations Lead, Greenwave Aotearoa, New Zealand

11:20 - 11:40: To be announced

Phil Kerrison, Research specialist in red seaweed cultivation, Hortimare, The Netherlands

11:40 - 12:00: Kelp seedbanks: safeguarding genetic diversity and supporting aquaculture and restoration

Cayne Layton, Adjunct Rresearcher, Marine Ecologist, University of Tasmania, Blue Conservation Services, Australia

12:00 - 12:40 Seaweed Elevator Pitches
The Seaweed Elevator Pitches offer a unique, fast-paced, and diverse session where presenters have five minutes to deliver a concise, impactful presentation on their activities and innovative ideas. All topics are possible as long as they deal with seaweeds.

Standards for new areas: A case study on standard AS 5404 Natural bromoform feed additives product quality Products derived from Asparagopsis

Monique English, Engagement Manager, Standards Australia

Labor saving seaweed cultivation using floatable block

Masaru Okamoto, President, Algae Culture Tec Corp., Japan

A novel system for cultivating seaweeds in the ocean

Dr Michael Rule, Principal Marine Ecologist, Drift Consulting, Australia

Development of cultivation methods for Bull Kelp Durvillaea spp.

Jeff Wright, Associate Professor, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia

Advancing Asparagopsis Hatcheries: Overcoming Challenges for Industry Growth

Dr. Manoj Kumar, Senior Research Fellow, Seaweed Tech Lead, Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC), Central Queensland University, Australia

Standards for new areas: A case study on standard AS 5404 Natural bromoform feed additives product quality Products derived from Asparagopsis

Monique English, Engagement Manager, Standards Australia

Labor saving seaweed cultivation using floatable block

Masaru Okamoto, President, Algae Culture Tec Corp., Japan

A novel system for cultivating seaweeds in the ocean

Dr Michael Rule, Principal Marine Ecologist, Drift Consulting, Australia

Development of cultivation methods for Bull Kelp Durvillaea spp.

Jeff Wright, Associate Professor, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia

Advancing Asparagopsis Hatcheries: Overcoming Challenges for Industry Growth

Dr. Manoj Kumar, Senior Research Fellow, Seaweed Tech Lead, Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC), Central Queensland University, Australia
12:40 - 14:00 Lunch / Trade Show

14:00 - 14:20: Keynote Presentation:

FutureFeed - Commercialising new products in emerging impact markets – a balancing act

Alex Baker, CEO, FutureFeed, Australia

14:00 - 14:20: Keynote Presentation:

FutureFeed - Commericialising new products in emerging impact markets – a balancing act

Alex Baker, CEO, FutureFeed, Australia

14:20 - 15:40 Session 7: Seaweed of the year 2025: Asparagopsis
During this session Asparagopsis, seaweed of the year 2025, will be in the spotlight. Experts will discuss the cultivation, processing and applications of this red seaweed species.

14:20 - 14:40: The Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance: Supporting Australia’s seaweed industry through the Asparagopsis National Hatchery Network and development of a cultivation manual 

Margie Rule, Senior Phycologist and Specialist Technical Consultant, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance, Australia

14:40 - 15:00: Asparagopsis farming: key learnings and challenges to overcome

Leonardo Mata, Chief Scientist, Greener Grazing, Vietnam/Portugal

15:00 - 15:20: To be announced

Alexia Akbay, CEO, Symbrosia, Hawaii/USA

15:20 - 15:40: Advancements in Asparagopsis as an enteric methane inihibitor in beef feedlot diets

Breanna M. Roque, Animal Science Research Manager, FutureFeed, Australia

14:20 - 14:40: The Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance: Supporting Australia’s seaweed industry through the Asparagopsis National Hatchery Network and development of a cultivation manual 

Margie Rule, Senior Phycologist and Specialist Technical Consultant, Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance, Australia

14:40 - 15:00: Asparagopsis farming: key learnings and challenges to overcome

Leonardo Mata, Chief Scientist, Greener Grazing, Vietnam/Portugal

15:00 - 15:20: To be announced

Alexia Akbay, CEO, Symbrosia, Hawaii/USA

15:20 - 15:40: Advancements in Asparagopsis as an enteric methane inihibitor in beef feedlot diets

Breanna M. Roque, Animal Science Research Manager, FutureFeed, Australia

15:40 - 15:50 Closing of the Conference




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