Seagriculture Speaker

Seagriculture Asia-Pacific

8 - 9 February 2023


Dr. CRK Reddy, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

About the speaker: 

Dr. Reddy holds an honorary Adjunct Professor position at DBT-ICT Centre for Energy Biosciences, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT-M), Mumbai. He was CEO of the Indian Centre for Climate Change and Societal Impacts Research from July 2020-Feb  202022. Before this, he worked at a national premier lab “CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI)”, Bhavnagar, Gujarat for more than two decades (1993-2018) and carried out seminal works on marine macroalgae furthering our knowledge and insights helping to harness sustainably the economic, social, and environmental benefits of seaweeds. Dr. Reddy holds a distinguished track record with established scientific credentials and conferred several recognitions including awards (Young Scientist Award (1999), CSIR Technology Award (2001) and CSIR Award for S&T Innovational for Rural Development (2012). His research works have significantly contributed to the advancement of modern phycological research.

His current research interest in seaweeds spans from seaweed production, product development and commercialization through the development of innovative and cutting-edge technologies complying with regulatory regimes and consumer market needs.


1) When was the first time you got involved with seaweeds and why?

 My practical involvement with seaweeds began in the way back in early 1984 after my post-graduation. In 1984, I joined a team working on a project to evaluate the seaweed resource potential of the Central West Coast of India. During this period, my awareness of the economic benefits of seaweeds significantly increased and I was convinced to pursue further to realise the benefits offered by seaweeds for humanity. 

2) What is your view on the Asia-Pacific seaweed industry in 2030?

The Asia-Pacific seaweed industry continues to lead and remain at the top of the global ranking. The new applications of seaweed such as biodegradable packaging material, animal feed supplements and innovations in food products surely broaden the demand and establish new markets providing new strengths to the Asia-Pacific seaweed industry. The global seaweed industry is poised to witness technological explosions in this decade.  

3) What will you be talking about at Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2023?

I will be taking this platform to appraise the trends and developments in the Indian seaweed industry and seek international collaboration to further diversity the Indian seaweed industry beyond hydrocolloids and biostimulants to make it highly innovative and globally competitive.     

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