
The Economic and Social Value from Marine Bioproducts

Daniel Abrahams, CEO, Marine Bioproducts CRC, Australia

About the speaker: 

Daniel is the Chief Executive Officer of Marine Bioproducts Cooperative Research Centre. Daniel is a highly experienced executive with leadership, finance, strategy, execution, risk management and governance credentials across a wide variety of industries. He has a track record of driving profitable business performance, innovation, and long-term growth plans, with a strong focus on building high performance teams and effective relationships with stakeholders. Daniel has extensive capital raising experience in crowdfunding, private equity and capital markets. He has worked in SME, start-up to scale-up and ASX listed entities.



Australia’s marine territory is vast, pristine and protected, but it also harbours the next generation of high value and environmentally sustainable resources and products.

The Marine Bioproducts Cooperative Research Centre (MBCRC) is Australia's largest research and development hub, established to drive rapid growth and transformation of sustainable marine bioproducts across Australia’s marine estate.

Through innovation in advanced manufacturing and high value bioproduct development, the MBCRC will ensure that maximum value is sustainably derived in Australia from these marine bioresources.

MBCRC aims to make Australia a global player in marine biotech, an industry that is forecast to be worth more than US$700 billion by 2035.


Daniel will outline the economic opportunity and social value from marine bioproducts and the diversified revenue, increased market opportunity and profitability that this represents globally.  He will provide the audience with global insights and how he is trialing the wide range of marine bioproducts.

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