Seagriculture Speaker

Seagriculture Asia-Pacific

8 - 9 February 2023


Mitchell Lench, CEO, Founder, Ocean’s Balance, USA

About the speaker: 

Mitch Lench is the CEO and founder of Ocean’s Balance. He has been working on solving problems using market-based solutions before the term impact was popularized.  He held senior level positions at large institutions including Fitch Ratings, Credit Suisse, and Bank of America. He also founded Treetops Capital, which was one of the early impact investment management firms that was awarded one of the top 50 global managers by ImpactAssets for 4 years straight. 

Company info:

Ocean's Balance is a Maine based vertically integrated seaweed business that is scaling up regenerative seaweed farming and advanced processing to create high-value functional ingredients for people and pets as well as delicious consumer food products.  


  • Challenges and opportunities in the US seaweed market. 
  • Migrating hatchery to a more sustainable method of producing seed with a NOAA grant and Woods Hole
  • Helping to make seaweed a mainstream food item and ingredient

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