Large scale farming of Tropical Eucheumatoid seaweeds
Nelson Vadassery, Cofounder & CEO, Sea6 Energy, India
About the speaker:
Nelson is Co-founder and CEO of Sea6 Energy. With a strong background in biotechnology, Nelson has played a pivotal role in the mechanization of seaweed farms and enhancing their yields. He is passionately committed to developing long-term solutions that support a sustainable way of life on our planet.
Sea6 is a pioneer in the ocean economy, transforming cultivated tropical seaweed biomass harvested through large-scale mechanised seaweed farming into carbon-negative, sustainable feedstock for large industrial applications. Vertically integrated, Sea6 has reimagined ocean agriculture via its technology platform for large-scale, sustainable seaweed cultivation, and developed proprietary biorefinery platforms to convert the cultivated feedstock into applications for large markets such as regenerative agriculture, bulk food applications, and biomaterials.
Tropical seaweed farming holds great promise as a major feedstock, surpassing traditional land-based bio feedstocks such as corn and sugarcane. Historically, artisanal cultivation methods have restricted the application of seaweed biomass in the production of food ingredients like hydrocolloids. Here we talk about the large-scale farming of this Eucheumatoid seaweed biomass, through advances in farm mechanization.