Present your company and products to more than 300 conference delegates!
There are several reasons why becoming an exhibitor at the trade show of the conference Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025 can be beneficial for your business:
Trade Show
Present your company and products to more than 300 conference delegates!
There are several reasons why becoming an exhibitor at the trade show of the conference Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025 can be beneficial for your business:
Price equals 940 USD.
* Exclusive of 10% GST. Conference ticket required.
✓ Present your products with a tabletop (180 cm x 75 cm)
✓ Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025 Program booklet
The Aotearoa New Zealand Seaweed Association (ANZSA) was formed following a meeting in Nelson on the 8th of July 2021, organized by Aquaculture New Zealand, of those interested in developing the Aotearoa New Zealand seaweed sector.
Subsequently a working group was formed to establish the Association and refine the purpose, vision and values, which were tabled at the initial Nelson meeting. The inaugural meeting of ANZSA was held on the 7th of December 2021, where an Interim Board was established. The first Board election was held in December/January 2023 and the first elected Board appointed.
ANZSA provides a united voice on matters which promote our vision of a high value, nature positive seaweed industry, that delivers healthy marine ecosystems, thriving communities and sustainable economic growth for Aotearoa New Zealand.
Their purpose is to provide members with a united voice and coordinated action to promote the ANZSA vision. They work for the whole industry through:
Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance
ASSA is the national peak body for commercial seaweed industry development in Australia. Their mission is to scale up environmentally responsible commercial farming of seaweed to provide food, feed and bioproducts. They currently represent eleven corporate members and provide a coordinated voice to governments to support the national seaweed industry and sustainably grow the sector into the future.
CH4 Global
CH4 Global is on a mission to deliver gigaton-scale emissions reductions over the next decade using whole dried Asparagopsis seaweed -- the safest and most effective way of targeting livestock methane. The company’s flagship product, Methane Tamer™, leverages Asparagopsis to reduce enteric methane emissions in cattle by up to 90%. Through its innovative EcoPark cultivation system, CH4 Global is scaling rapidly to meet global demand, ensuring profitability throughout the supply chain without relying on subsidies. Headquartered in Henderson, Nevada, with operations in Australia and New Zealand, CH4 Global is pioneering a new era of sustainable animal agriculture; to learn more, visit
Fremantle Seaweed
Fremantle Seaweed is cultivating Asparagopsis as a natural cattle feed supplement. When fed to livestock in small doses, their seaweed significantly reduces their methane output.
Targeting methane emissions
Asparagopsis is a red seaweed native to Australian coastal waters. Asparagopsis has been shown in repeated experiments to reduce methane emissions in ruminant livestock up to 80%, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making it an ideal choice for responsible farmers.
Ocean grown seaweed
Protecting marine Life
Kelson Marine
Kelson Marine partners with clients to solve the challenges of producing food and energy in the unrelenting ocean. Born on Maine’s working waterfront, Kelson combines advanced engineering tools and firsthand experience on the sea to deliver innovative and reliable systems. Kelson Marine uses field-validated engineering tools to accurately design and analyze seaweed cultivation structures, reducing costs and risks associated with nearshore and offshore macroalgae farming.
Marine Bioproducts CRC
Australia’s marine territory is vast, pristine and protected, but it also harbours the next generation of high value and environmentally sustainable resources and products.
The Marine Bioproducts Cooperative Research Centre (MBCRC) is established to drive rapid growth and transformation of these bioresources and deliver Australian marine bioproducts to global markets.
They are excited to lead development of an industry that incorporates cutting-edge science, First Nations wisdom and sustainable practices, heralding a new era of responsible and inclusive economic development.
Seaweed Link
Connecting the seaweed sector with innovation across industries. Bridging the gap between the Netherlands & Korea to unlock sustainable growth!
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